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Private Care Management 

At Care Plans Plus we find the solutions you need to help address the problems you are facing with your aging loved one on the Olympic Peninsula. We reduce stress and improve quality of life by listening deeply to all involved, and by applying our knowledge of care management to help support your aging loved one to live their best life possible at all stages of the lifespan.


Our special expertise allows us to assist with housing, legal issues, bill paying, finding the right medical care, mental health, crisis intervention, in-home caregiving, advocacy, caregiver education and resources, family support, and accessing local services and national resources.


Whether you need an in-home assessment and care plan for estate planning purposes, or ongoing care management to assure your loved ones wellbeing and safety, we are here to help.  Let us provide the care management your aging loved one needs so you can enjoy your aging family members instead of trying to manage them.

"Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy."        
 ~Senator John Hoeven
"I am not this hair, I am not this skin, 
I am the soul that lives within."


Our initial in-home assessments help us to learn more about you or your loved one so we can create a personalized care plan to ensure the best care and support throughout the aging process. We also assess for mobility, cognitive functioning, depression, anxiety, and more.


Care Plans


After the assessment, we create a personalized care plan based on your loved one's unique situation. The care plan describes the senior's current situation, their goals, the family's goals, safety concerns, and recommendations for what happens next to support the elder's goals. We strive to aid with independence for as long as possible, and to help our clients to maintain quality of life throughout the lifespan.



We are available to monitor your loved one's wellbeing weekly, monthly, or quarterly, and to keep you informed of any changes or concerns so that they are addressed promptly, before becoming a crisis.



Coping with age-related changes in physical or cognitive functioning can be enormously challenging, whether such changes are happening to you or your aging loved one.  We understand these challenges and the frustrations that often accompany them, and we are here to help.  You are not alone.

Medical Navigation 


We will help find the right providers for your needs, consult with medical providers on your behalf, and attend medical appointments with your aging loved one.  We help make sure everyone on the care team is on the same page when it comes to your senior's medical care.

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